The Pelekelo Memorial Bursary

In honour of the memory of a much missed colleague Pelekelo Kabulubulu who suddenly and tragically passed in 2018, we have started a memorial bursary scheme.
The funds raised will be used, exclusively and in entirety, to help cover the costs of education each year for COs just like him, who will be benefitting from the service. The scheme’s aim is to ensure that Pelekelo’s lasting legacy will enable the professional development and ultimately the improvement of patient care in Zambia.
The Bursary Fund will be allocated annually and is intended to help a disadvantaged Clinical Officer further their education. Funds will be restricted and ringfenced and will not be spent on general charity purposes.
Once there are sufficient funds in the “pot”, potential beneficiaries will be invited to submit a nomination in line with set criteria. The nominations will be judged fairly by our team and the beneficiary will be announced and all our donors will be given updates and feedback.
All payments will be made directly to the institution delivering the course. Evidence of attendance and any resulting achievements will be requested and we will share impact with our generous donors.

To donate to this scheme please click the logo below