About Us
The Virtual Doctors use a bespoke mobile app to connect isolated health centres in rural Zambia and Malawi with volunteer doctors, based predominantly in the UK.
Every single day volunteer doctors offer advice to diagnose conditions, to manage and treat patients.
This assists and empowers local health workers, helps support the reduction in mortality rates & hospital referrals, furthering the Clinical Officers medical education.
Our service helps to address 7 of the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals

What we do:
We aim to help improve local primary healthcare in some of the most remote and impoverished areas of sub-Saharan Africa.
Zambia has 1600 doctors for a population of over 15 million people.
That is 1 doctor for every 12,000 people.
For comparison, countries such as the UK have 1 doctor for every 360 people.
2/3 of doctors live in urban areas whereas 2/3 of the population live in rural Zambia
Telemedicine helps to solve these problems

Our Partners
Corporate Partners
Our corporate partners are a very special group who have generously donated funds, goods, services, time or expertise to the Virtual Doctors service. Without their help we couldn’t make such a difference to sick people in rural Africa – thank you!
Trusts & Foundations
Our pioneering work has been generously supported by a number of trusts and foundations. To them, and to those organisations who prefer to remain anonymous, we give heartfelt thanks.
United States Partners
If you are based in the USA you can donate via Every.org, a tax-exempt US 501(c)(3) charity that grants unrestricted funds to the fund for Virtual Doctors USA hosted at Edward Charles Foundation on your behalf.
If you are interested in supporting our work please contact us